• You might find a few video tutorials to help work out the settings - I feel like I had to try things several times before I could make sense of it.

        I was trying to smooth out some panning shots taken on an unsuitable tripod, which kept sticking and jumping, or changing speed. I think I had it zoomed in a bit and cropped, which gave it the space to shuffle the image up/down/left/right a bit. Beyond that, I can’t remember the settings. It didn’t make the footage perfect, but it made it watchable and usable.

        Anyway, let us know how well it works (if at all).

        Good luck!

        • Thank you!

          This is probably a project for the winter when I’m literally snowed under instead of figuratively, plus I’m going on a little motorbike adventure in September so it would be nice to get a bit of useable video then to try it with too (using my old GoPro 1 clone)