• I’m a Linux user/gamer, so I’ve never really been into the Mac gaming landscape. But I feel like Mac has had a few big announces of games coming to it. Like NMS and Stray. Could these devs be tuned into something coming in the Mac ecosystem? I have a difficult time believing it might just be their AR/VR headset.

    Not that I think this is a bad thing at all. More power to the users.

    •  Jay   ( @jay@beehaw.org ) OP
      411 months ago

      It’s a real chicken-and-egg problem. I’ve heard people say, “Why should No Man’s Sky be on Mac when Mac has no good games?” Well, we can’t have good games unless we have good games!

      • That’s where Linux has been. Folks don’t want to run Linux because there aren’t games. Game devs don’t wanna make games for Linux, because there are no Linux gamers.

        Glad to see that game devs are paying more attention to alternate platforms.