• The only reasonable answer is that Musk is intentionally killing Twitter, which is conspiracy theory levels of dumb.

    The only other solution is that the richest person in the world (officially) is this stupid. This is almost harder to believe than a conspiracy to destroy twitter.

    • I wouldn’t say stupid, just narcissistic control freak who can’t stop touching it. That way it doesn’t dismiss him outright. It’s a matter of essentializing language - “someone is stupid” isn’t so dangerous vs “someone does something stupid” lets you recognize the emperor has no clothes but can still be dangerous. Reality is more complex than “xyz is stupid/evil”, and falling into those patterns of thought does a disservice to yourself.

    • Actually after thinking about it, the stuff he’s doing to the company is just batshit insane. It has to be intentional. He’s on a campaign to kill the company for the tax write-off and because he has some kind of personal beef with it. If he were to just fire everyone and shut down the servers he wouldn’t be able to take the write-off. The company has to die a slow death for it to look legit.

    • The only other solution is that the richest person in the world (officially) is this stupid. This is almost harder to believe than a conspiracy to destroy twitter.

      Why is that hard to believe? The mega-rich are not notably more intelligent than anyone else, they just started decades ago with inherited wealth and got lucky early.