So Elon’s a “visionary” who wants to turn X into a single website where you can do everything — kinda like Yahoo!

He wants his new MySpaceX portal to be a website…

Where you can message people:!_Messenger

Where you can stream audio:

Where you can stream videos:!_Screen

Where you can create social media posts:!_360%C2%B0

Where you can manage your finances:!_Finance

Where you can share photos:!_Photos

Where you can earn money publishing content:!_Publisher_Network

Where you can find a job:!_HotJobs

Where you can buy and sell stuff:!_Auctions

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this truly is a vision for the future — if by “the future” you mean 1997.

#tech #technology #twitter #X #musk #ElonMusk @technology #yahoo

    • @Lockpro @ajsadauskas @technology oh, it isn’t unique, but has been in Elon’s head since 1993 when he worked for the Bank of Nova Scotia for a summer job assistant to the VP Strategic planning. It was’nt BNS’s plan, but Elon’s to put every banking function online. A few years later #Xcom was operating in SiValley, but Elon’s Board lost confidence in his grand design, and removed him as CEO. …/2

      • @Lockpro @ajsadauskas @technology

        Instead they focussed on payments only, which was the plan of a failing startup that merged with a few months earlier - it was operating down the hall from X.coms small 2nd floor office. The name of that startup ended up replacing’s — PayPal.

        In 2003 PayPal was sold to EBay and Elon’s share of the sold company funded his investment in two new startups, Tesla, and SpaceX. His share after tax was USD $300M.

    • I hear the Xodus has begun and the bird site is slowly being Xpunged

      There hasn’t been much movement to Mastodon this time compared to when the rate limiting was going on. It looks like there was a decent new user spike yesterday, but the rate limit thing caused a big sustained increase for days.

      (Based on )