• Beautiful! Yes. Fear me straight women 😂.

    I always use condoms, take PrEP, and regularly test, but I WILL GIVE YOU AIDS!!!

    Tbh, I am okay with 2/3 women not wanting to be with me. Makes filtering shitty people easy.

    • HIV is skyrocketing in straight populations too though, all STDs are.

      Just because a person is straight doesn’t mean they can’t engage in extremely risky behavior, such as sexual tourism without condoms and then not get tested because they “don’t wanna know, if I don’t get tested == can’t get STDs”

      Preaching to the choir here, but being bi/gay doesn’t mean you automatically engage in anonymous unprotected sex with fucktons of people. We can also be monogomous and still get tested because its the right thing to do. :p