The school will be funded by Arizona’s education vouchers and housed at the downtown Phoenix headquarters of one∙n∙ten, a nonprofit that serves LGBTQ+ youth. The school’s founders aim to give young people who may feel uncomfortable in a larger school a safe space to be themselves and learn. LGBTQ+ history will be on the curriculum.

  • Here’s an better archive link to the story for anyone who gets a subscription popup on the azcentral site.

    I think this is great for the kids that can take advantage of it and a great use of the school voucher program. It would be good to see this in areas like the southeast US where governers are pushing for limiting LGBTQ+ rights instead of against.

    EDITED to include a better archive site link from the Wayback Machine.

    •  CaptFeather   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      Not sure what’s going on, but your archives link slowly fills up with banner ads that keep stacking on top of each other until I can’t read the article or scroll the page fyi. There’s also no way to close the ads. I’m on mobile so hopefully it’s not the same for desktop. Would someone mind copy and lasting the article in a comment though? Got halfway through it before I gave up.

      • Hey thanks for letting me know about that! I use adblock everywhere so I didn’t know that site was an ad nightmare. I’ve replaced the link with one from the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine that (as far as I can tell) only has a single pop-up.