• Thanks, I appreciate your comment bigtime. TBH I feel like the stuff people like me go through, while it sucks, is nothing compared to the vicious persecution trans people receive now. It seems like the right has switched their floodlights onto them as the boogeyman to be attacked atm.

    I will say though, I have nieces who are working through secondary / college and of course there is still discrimination, but it seems to be way less of an issue for younger generations, which is a comfort :)

    • I appreciate your sentiment and do think that it’s important to defend trans rights and not let the right split us up. But I also want to say that just because horrible shit is happening in one place doesn’t mean we can’t address other issues in the community while we’re at it. We don’t need to play suffering olympics, and if we do then we lose out on valuable intersectional experiences.

      I’m sorry that that shit happened to you. People can really suck sometimes :/