Prior to the internet condensing into just 5 or so websites, what do you remember fondling about being online?

I remember winning a raffle contest on the old Terraria forums and getting to pick my own title (instead of just New Member, Member, Well-Known Member). Of course, since I was like 13, I picked a random collection of letters that only I knew was an acronym of my signature on said forums.

  • There was this “mmo game” website where during the battle you had 3 radio buttons to choose shooting left, center, or right. Then you had another 3 buttons to jump left, stay, or right. And it’d be 5x5 people teams and you had to aim the direction that person would jump to hit them. Each turn lasted a minute during which all 10 players would make their choices. Outside of the battle it also had inventory system, stores, money, and jobs. You essentially do a job that lasts 3 human hours, that gets you paid, and you use bill to get better gear to fight.

    Extremely simple. No JavaScript. Just web page with radio buttons. I played that game all the time.