•  vegai   ( @vegai@suppo.fi ) 
      11 months ago

      Are you talking about Lemmy? A relatively large bunch of people here are actual real communists, which by some weird thought process becomes a pro-Russian position. So everything Ukraine does or is is wrong if you ask those people.

      Best not ask those people.

      •  Addfwyn   ( @Addfwyn@lemmy.ml ) 
        11 months ago

        which by some weird thought process becomes a pro-Russian position.

        I am a communist and the prevailing attitude in most circles I am in is not an explicitly pro-Russian one, it’s just not explicitly pro-Ukraine either. There is a also an underlying understanding of the reasons why the war started. Just because you don’t support one side does not mean you have to 100% uncritically support the opposing side. The sooner we stop thinking of everything in black/white terms of Team A vs Team B, we will be a lot better off.

        Now there are those who have nostalgia for the USSR, which is not the modern Russian Federation, but it’s fairly niche. Usually people understand that modern Russia is not the soviet union. There are the patsocs too, but we don’t really claim them.

        I am not the Official Spokesman of Communism, but those are generally the attitudes I have seen in most of my circles.

        • Fairly niche? Most of the lemmygrad people are outright idolizing every totalitarian ‘marxist’ regime of the past century.

          I totally get left ideology and do agree with Marx’ ideology, but I’ve never understood how simping for autocrats fits into that.

          When I read that Lemmy had an active communist group I was looking forward to that, but the vehemence of the debate and the apologetic whitewashing of history really turned me off.

          So yeah, please a debate that isn’t so black and white is very welcome imho.

          • Why not? No doubt it’s way easier to set up a bunch of bots accounts here than somewhere like Twitter or Reddit. They don’t even have to worry about looking legit because most of the users here are new accounts.

    • This is lemmy.ml, which is full of clueless tankies who confuse modern fascist Russia with the Soviet Union and love to consume Russian and Chinese propaganda. Anything “Western” is automatically bad and evil (those damn Anglos or something) and since Ukraine is backed by NATO, it has to be the bad guy. Take a wild guess at what the “.ml” means.

    • I guess what changed is that you are not on reddit anymore where nations advertise their propaganda. Ukraine government declared martial law, they are basically a dictatorship.