•  SymbolicLink   ( @SymbolicLink@lemmy.ca ) 
    1 year ago

    Yeah, management positions are often filled by people who:

    A) Want to get a higher paying job and don’t care about the product or the industry necessarily (MBA-circlejerk types).

    B) Are Devs/Artists/Creatives that wanted increased compensation, and the only way up was as a manager where they have less aptitude.

    Executive staff needs to better integrate management as “servant leaders” within teams, and compensate EVERYONE better

    • And C) literal psychopaths.

      Our current economic system was essentially designed to elevate the worst of humanity to the most powerful positions, which is why modern industrial society is more or less fucked. What’s going on right now is sociopathic executives are bleeding the world dry as fast as they can before things collapse due to increasing social instability brought on by climate change, hoping to live out their lives in some extremely well defended compound while us plebs die in the billions. And make no mistake, they won’t have any trouble recruiting bootlickers to be their armed guards.

      Humanity is fucked.