Not too long ago, regulations on CBD changed in Germany leading to a plethora of products containing it. As someone who occasionally needs pain medication, I tried some of the products to avoid regular pain killers (ibu). Especially on days with lighter pain, I wished for an alternative to the sledgehammer meds. But I was left standing in the rain. I didn’t feel any effect. That’s why I would love to hear from your experiments and experience.

  • the problem is the legality of other cannibinoids where you live …

    • from the states in the US where cannabis has been legalized – neither CBD nor THC will show their full effects in isolation, they each help to augment the other – so even something like a tiny amount of THC added to CBD (ex. 20:1 CBD to THC) will drastically enhance the CBD effects
    • there are two primary (and a lot of secondary) pain systems within the body – one of them responds better to opioids, the other responds better to cannibinoids cannabinoids – everyone’s different and responds differently so it requires a knowledgeable medical professional who hasn’t bought into US’s “reefer madness” propaganda that’s been foisted off onto the rest of the world
    • Thank you for your balanced thoughts! Well your first point kinda might be an issue. I guess I haven’t dived deep enough into this topic to answer whether these mixtures are legally available here. Speaking of it: can you (or someone you know 😉) feel any psychedelic effect of the THC with a 20:1 ratio?

      I tried to convince trained professionals twice to go the mentioned route with me. Instead, the looked for me as if I asked for a roofie on the house. So that is another issue…

        • most people (depending on tolerance) don’t notice much psychoactive effect from THC below ~5mg
        • from Wikipedia, it looks like in Germany you have to get a medical pass to get access to whole cannabis or THC
        • you will get a similar reaction from doctors in the US
          • in the US, doctors are licensed at the federal level, cannabis is legalized at the state level – doctors risk their license even talking about cannabis regardless of its legality in the state they operate in – no trained professional is going to risk their livelihood
          • most of the world is still victim of the US’s “reefer madness” propaganda campaign (thanks to Nixon and his “War on Drugs”) and it still bears the stigma of “the devil’s weed” – so, unless you find someone knowledgeable, you can expect the attitude of “asking for a roofie” to be the standard response