• @zShxck eating meat does not give you freedom, it’s an irresponsible habit since you and many others are polluting the planet. The problem is it’s still not regulated. There will come a time when emissions will be taken seriously. Right now the younger ones will pay for your reckless actions.

    • My reckless action? Do you know me? I was ipotetical speaking. For your information i eat meat only once a week, sometimes twice and not because it is the right thing to do for a balanced diet or the planet but because i want to do so and that is none of your business.

      • @zShxck good for you. Btw I’ve been vegan for around 10 years and basically you don’t need meat for a balanced diet, whatever that means, I find a vegan diet quite balanced

        When emissions get regulated it will be everybodys business, so enjoy your meat while you can