Just something I was talking about with the wife this evening. She says that our house is not natural and used the phrase “out in nature”. But lots of animals build nests. And are we not animals just doing the same?

  • The issue is that many people don’t consider humans as part of the natural world.

    Which is a ridiculous concept to me.

    A beaver dam is a natural as the hoover dam. Both represent a species altering the environment for their benefit.

    • It’s kind of a pseudo-religious idea, the whole ‘natural is good and humans are not natural’… Gaia is good, humans have sin, humans are made separate and rule over nature and are therefore not part of ‘nature,’ God’s creation is perfect, all those ideas seem to have been merged into the dichotomy: there is nature and there is humanity.

    • I concur. My gut is telling me there is a difference, but when I try to articulate it, I can’t.

      Kind of like that senator who couldn’t define pornography, but her know it when he sees it.

    • Yes. Humans were born out of this universe just like everything else. It’s all nature. Even free will gets fuzzy when psychologists look into it. Some might say people have just as much free as a river that “chooses” its course and then fabricate a story after the fact about how they chose this or that, ignorant to external and internal (brain) influences. And then it starts to get fuzzy what’s internal and what’s external. Our brain is a part of the external world, and the external world we study is built by our subjective perceptions.