• So it’s a game with the biggest open city in any game bar none and so on. But that’s not enough, reason is what you are hoping is likely impossible not at the scale of night city. Even if AI was ok it would be not enough NPC models not enough buildings to explore and so on. But all these things don’t contribute anything to this kind of game.

      • Just a friendly reminder that Beehaw’s one rule is “Be(e) nice”. You have a lot of comments on this thread, and at least a few are responding to people in condescending and snarky ways instead of engaging in any real discussion. Right now, just as an example, you could have tried to explain how good AI can make a game better.

        Let’s please not let this place become like Reddit, where often people can’t have civil discussions and try to dunk on each other with snarky one-liners.

          • No worries, it happens. I’ve also done it a few times, and even re-rewrote comments from scratch after I realized I was being too mean, haha.

            I do agree with your point, though. People are a lot more forgiving of CDPR than they would be of other companies doing the same things. CDPR did build up a lot of good will with the Witcher series, GOG and their position on DRM, and other things, but at the end of the day they are still a company, and their main goal is making money.