I’ve set up a couple of single-user instances of fediverse apps (Mastodon, Lemmy). With Lemmy, I can post/comment to any community/thread I want that is federated, but I can’t seem to do that with Mastodon.

With that being the case, how does the content I post on Mastodon get shown to people on other instances (I know replying works differently). I feel like any top-level post I make on my instance is basically like shouting into the void, correct?

Also, if I were to set up a Pixelfed instance, would I have the same problem where my content doesn’t get shown to anyone (except those that follow me?)

  • No, your not shouting into the void. It gets shown to your followers and to their servers (in the public timeline). If your toot is boosted it will show up on all the servers that it needs to to be shown to the people that follow the account that boosted your toot.

    Mastodon basically works on a need to know basis. If I follow someone, my server will be sent all their toots, boosts etc.

    This is because it’s impossible to have all activity on mastodon on a single server. Even the huge ones don’t get all toots!