I had a dumb phone until around 2011 and I really miss not staring at my phone all of the time. The only thing that gives me pause is my family sending links via text. I’ve tried other ways to limit screen time but if it’s there I’m gonna use it.

  •  TQuid   ( @TQuid@beehaw.org ) 
    411 months ago

    I’m actively considering getting a used Pixel and putting GrapheneOS on it, which is a highly locked-down, de-Googled Android phone. That won’t do anything to keep me away from social media and the like, but it will stop 99% of tracking, which is perhaps my biggest beef with smart phones. I want the smarts to serve me, not FAANG.

    •  Zapp   ( @Zapp@beehaw.org ) 
      111 months ago

      I went for it, and was delighted by how much more responsive my phone is. I haven’t had a phone this responsive in about 5 years.

      The privacy aspect is good too, of course.

    • something really satisfying about the thought of de-googling a google phone lol. I wish I had thought to do this with my old pixel. it was giving me problems but the T-Mobile guy said google just stops supporting them after a while.