• It might be my youngness but people seem so fucking dense and stubborn these days. You got people who refuse to change no matter what to the point where they are fighting against their own kids. They are fighting for a world that discriminates against their own kids! If you’re old then you won’t be around for much longer so you should want a world that’s better for your kids even if it’s not something you personally want.

    I guess I don’t want to believe that it’s always been this way but scrolling back through the last 100 years it seems to be.

    • Older folks are born into their version of a socially acceptable system. They have a child that doesn’t fit that mold. In their mind it would be easier for their child to stop being so “naive” if they would accept their old world view. What they don’t realize is that the world view has pivoted away and now they are the alienated one. Should they protect their own children, yes. Does social pressure work that way, no.