So, I’m obsessed with curry, it’s like half of what I eat and I love it, never get tired of it. Used to not eat vegetarian/vegan food at all due to just growing up like that.

I still make this one dish, like a way spicier Tikka Masala with chicken and lentils that I really wish I could get somewhere near. I’ve tried just omitting the chicken and sometimes I make it with just broth/bouillon and it’s close enough, but I’d like to make it completely vegetarian.

So I’m asking if anyone has any tips or ideas how to do that? Is there any way to get that chicken taste (feel and texture is a plus too, but not mandatory) to a dish? We don’t have as wide a variety of veggie-meat things where I’m from (impossi-something etc, I don’t know the names). We have things like quorn, but I haven’t found a way to quite make that into anything great, but it could be because of the way I’m making it. Maybe some way with tofu? I never really figured how to make something nice with soy pieces (although tips are welcome, it’s been a while since I tried).

Keep in mind I really don’t need, like, physical pieces - the lentils and vegetables are really enough, although it is a plus if there’s something like that too.

Any tips welcome.

Edit: To clarify, I’m not looking for ideas for texture or such in general - unless it tastes like chicken or can be made to taste like chicken. I’m well aware of all kinds of veggie/vegan options in general I eat like 95% vegetarian. I don’t really need to have something that seems and feels like meat in my food, just meant that if the [whatever] that can get the taste of chicken also feels like chicken it’s a plus. Only looking for the “chicken”. Thanks anyway and thanks for a few new ideas.

  • There’s some fantastic suggestions in the thread already, so I won’t repeat any of them. However I will note that if you’re particularly sensitive to flavours, it’s going to be nigh impossible to get anywhere close to chicken without actual chicken. If you try a bunch of veggie stock and end up still not quite satisfied, I’ve found success redirecting a dish toward a different main ingredient instead - coconut, peanut, etc. - so that I end up appreciating the dish for without comparing it with a meat-based version.