• Not so much an incident, but an unsolved mystery in my life that I don’t think I’ll ever know the answer to:

    A few years ago some friends of mine and I were going to a concert and left our cars in a parking lot in an office park near the arena and piled into one car.

    When I came back a few hours later that night, there was a dead duck on the hood of my car. It was still warm, there was no damage to my car, no feathers floating around anywhere, no blood on the duck (it hadn’t been shot or attacked as far as I could tell), it was just there by itself on the hood of my car. It wasn’t duck hunting season, and this is in a city with over a million people so not a rural area.

    I’ve asked all my friends, family if they know what happened, but nope. No one has confessed anything, and at this point I think anyone of my friends would’ve fessed up.

    I’m just baffled.

    It was like a duck landed on the hood of my car and dropped dead a few minutes before I got there on a random weeknight.

    I have no clue how, why or what happened.