• There’s a TOR browser, but calling tor “just a browser” is really odd and not really correct. The TOR project is the routing protocol that bounces your traffic around. You can do so through the TOR browser, but the browser isn’t TOR. It also isn’t the only way to use TOR.

      Also, while HTTPS is close to universal now, it’s still possible to use HTTP and theoretically a malicious exit node could modify any unencrypted traffic.

      • I promise you that like 90% of the creepy stories you’ve heard are people either exaggerating or just straight-up lying to sound cool on the internet. The kind of stuff that actually needs to operate over the TOR network doesn’t exactly want to be easily discoverable by normal people.

        You’re no more likely to accidentally stumble across illegal / dangerous content while using TOR than you are while using any other browser.

      • As long as you stay off of any .onion sites, there won’t be any difference w.r.t. dark/deep web access. If a domain doesn’t end in .onion, then it can be accessed with a regular web browser anyway.