And what specifically makes it special, appealing, or interesting to you?

  • I played both Fable 3 and Assassin’s Creed 3 and enjoyed them immensely. I don’t always finish games, but I finished both of them. Then I went online and found out at the time both of them were considered the worst of their franchises. Shrug I still had fun, dangit.

    • I was really frustrated with Fable 3 when I


      had taken all of the “friendly, but more expensive” choices, as ruler, leaving me with no money for my army. I had the money needed to have a full army before the invasion in my personal stash, and was intending on moving it all to fund the army before the invasion.

      However, I accidentally moved time forward (with no obvious warning) to the day before the invasion, and it was too late for me to do anything to fix it. I was so upset that I didn’t finish the game for a long time after that.