I have never played any of the Dragon Age games, but I just gained access to the GamePass tier that has EA games, so I can play any of them.

I absolutely love all of Bioware’s “classic” works (KOTOR, Mass Effect) where conversation choices affect the plot of the game. Would you guys recommend just playing the Dragon Age games in order of release, or what is the general consensus?

  • Origins is definitely the best and the closest to that classic Bioware feel you like.

    DA2 was polarizing but I enjoyed it. Very different from the first mechanically. Worth playing tho, IMHO.

    DA:I was… not fun for me. I feel like they tried to modernize the formula and added all the worst parts of modern (at the time) games, namely HUGE time sinks for no reason because it’s not a fucking MMORPG that makes money by the hour. /deep breath Sorry, I am still a little bitter at how that game turned out. Anyways, probably worth checking out, maybe you will feel differently. But it wasn’t for me.

    •  Sean   ( @sgriff@lemmy.ml ) 
      1011 months ago

      Dragon age 2 was insanely fun to me, i definitely played it more than origins. (Im aware I’m not in the majority with that) I thought the combat was so fun and i loved doing different play throughs with different builds in that game

      • 2 definitely shows the issue of EA wanting to push the game out in 1.5 years. Many cut corners and a lack of assets with the repetitive maps.
        I think it’s the weakest entry in the Dragon Age series, and a lot of it’s negative reception was because it failed to live up to expectations of DAO.

        If Dragon Age 2 wasn’t a Dragon Age game, it wouldn’t have gotten the poor reviews it got. As a standalone game it’s actually not bad.

        I always recommend playing it, as it directly leads into the story of Inquisition and it has some great characters in it.