Dead for over a decade, the iconic singer-songwriter has never gotten the same due as her male counterparts

  •  snowbell   ( ) 
    11 months ago

    I mean yeah, that is kind of how popularity works right? More popular things are more popular. I’m not really a fan of either of those genres though. The only reason I know who Curt Kobain is, is because of Family Guy. FWIW I looked it up and apparently they have had jokes about Winehouse as well.

    I hope you have a better night.

    • Lol I was having such an angry time I failed to make my point in any way, sorry about that. I also assumed you had a wider knowledge of this sort of music which is also my bad.

      I think your experience is more a sign of just how much of a signal boost Nirvana/Kobain still get just because people overhype them still (fully fair if people want to pounce on me for saying they’re a bit overrated, I wasn’t music aged at the time they were popular and I was when Winehouse was producing music)

      Amy Winehouse pulled hype to British Soul, which was a rather astonishing thing to watch happen.

      Nirvana defined/popularized a newer genre.

      Both should be remembered and respected, but only one really is… And it isn’t Winehouse.