• and, despite your repeated claims that it’s not justified, you obviously think it is

    Since you’ve already decided my position for me I see no reason to continue engaging with you. You’ve already won the argument we’re having inside your head and nothing I say matters at this point because no matter what I say, obviously what I mean is something else.

      • No, you just shoved words in my mouth and then argued with what you pretended I was saying.

        I keep saying that Russia’s invasion is an overly aggressive and unjustified response to Western provocations, but you pretend like this means I support Russia’s war. I just want peace, whereas you only want Russia to lose. You only want the peace of the graveyard and you are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian to make that happen.

        • No, you just shoved words in my mouth and then argued with what you pretended I was saying.

          that’s what you did. I used quotes…

          I keep saying that Russia’s invasion is an overly aggressive and unjustified response to Western provocations

          which is bullshit. Russia, alone, is responsible for its actions. It, alone, decided to illegally invade Ukraine, annex land, and commit war crimes. This mythical “The West” you keep mentioning and blaming (yet can’t specifically name or even give specific detains for deeds done) is just a flimsy pretext for your repeated defense and deflections for the clear fault that lies on Russia for it’s illegal and monstrous acts. Out of one side of your mouth you claim Russia isn’t justified, yet, out of the other come your justifications.

          Your comments ar duplicitous and hypocritical, and, when challenged, you play victim, inventing things I’ve never said and then parroting the same doublespeak over and over, regardless of how many holes I poke in it as if you have amnesia.repeating this flawed argument won’t magically make it work.

          circular logic is circular— and yet another logical fallacy. remember how I predicted this in that first comment?