When I was growing up the internet was a place to be liberated from the world say what you want to say, be whoever you want and form genuine communities with shared interests. Now the internet feels like a tool to enslave the mind with identity echo chambers and any deviation leads you to being banned and blocked shunned and silenced within a void that is inescapable. Novel unique websites coded manually by hobbyists running servers for free in the commons allowing people access to the free flow of information under the banner of “information should be free” has largely gone away with corpratisation. I miss the days when the internet was populated largely by nerds aiming to make a better world not this controlled censored hell hole of profiteering.

  • “My right to spout my ideologically inconsistent dog shit opinions is clearly more important than the rights of women to decide what to do with their own bodies. This is the worst kind of discrimination; the discrimination against ME. It’s literally slavery. Woke women with blue hair challenged me on my idiotic opinions and I felt like they were being mean to me. You can’t disagree with me though, because I’m a Marxist-Leninist and I throw out buzz words like planned economies. Believe me bro, trust me bro.”