things are in fact going extremely badly but we’ll see if they pick up starting tomorrow night for reasons that will preclude me being here for about a week (seeing my SO)

  • I’m new here but since you asked and this is the first thing I see in my feed, I’ll tell you. My mom died the day before yesterday. So, not starting the week off as I’d like to. I didn’t like the way I was informed about. A very impersonal and uppity email from my older sister I am not on speaking terms with. So, I’ll just plod along and find a bright side somewhere! To all of you who are having it rough this week: I’m hoping things get better for you.

      • Thank you. I lost her quite a while ago because my older sister cut off my ability to communicate with my mother quite a while ago. I live on another continent so I couldn’t really do much about that to fight it. In a lot of ways, I mourned the loss of my mother a long time ago, so her actual physical death is something that I already mourned. Still, it really sucks, but my mom was unwell for quite a while, and she is no longer unwell. That’s a good thing. Thanks for being so nice with your comment. I’ll be just fine. Situations like this in my personal life remind me about all the things I need to do to protect people from these kinds of unpleasant situations that are unfair.