Hello people of the fediverse! Wanted to quickly introduce myself and mention why I’m here… I was a Reddit lurker, I enjoyed it - and then I starting learning about alternatives… federated self-hosted replacements… the Matrix, Mast, Lemmy things of the w0rld. So I searched for a Lemmy community that I wanted to rock with and found Beehaw. Once I saw that I didn’t need to supply my home address, social security #, email, etc etc etc - I was in. I’m a retro computing lover - come by 2o fOr beeRS bbS @ 20ForBeers.com:1337; ANSI-TELNET/SSH[:1338] terminal needed. I’m a member of other federated Matrix and Mastodon communities; matrix.erb.pw mast.erb.pw

And h0pe to meet other like-minded folks around these parts. HELLO!

pAULIE42o . . . . . . . . . . . /s

      • Sweet!! Any plans for it, or is is literally gonna do m0re time as a USR modem??? I’ve seen a few neat RPi modem projects… one of my favorites is a RPi w/ a WiFi modem installed - all RX/TX/etc light still w0rking. :P While I hate hardware being killed, some projects are really rad. Hope to catch you around the boardz.

        •  Hexorg   ( @Hexorg@beehaw.org ) 
          31 year ago

          My friend and I have built an http proxy for pi that proxies http requests to the Wayback machine set to 1999. I was going to tap into the modem boards through the gpio pins and enable fake dialup that serves us web pages from 1999