Haha I’m totally not doing this just to find and play a great underrated indie game. ^^

  • I know the whole “Open world survival craft” genre is super overdone, and has way too many games now, but Valheim is honestly awesome. The fun scales with more people, me and my friends (3-4 usually) have been having a blast.

    • Valheim was freaking incredible. We jumped in during the massive wave of popularity it got, and I was instantly addicted. My KIDS (10 and 7) played as well, with and without me. In fact, the 10 yr old made villages that surpassed my ‘home’. I think it was 200 hours before I was able to peel away from it. Again, amazing experience.

      • That’s awesome! I have a 6 year old I’m trying to build up to playing better games. That type of game definitely is better with friends/kids. Just the time savings from gathering resources makes a big difference, plus being able to share the epic moments.