Are we able to post videos or images in the comments? I know that you can post a video in the post such as a sign language video, but are people able to respond with a video comment in sign language?

This will be a big deal breaker for the Deaf Community. At the moment the only option for many Deaf people is to use Facebook.

  • For the Deaf Community, their first language is Sign Language. I am Deaf myself, and I am privileged to be fluent in English, however I cannot say that my Deaf friends are also fluent in English. Many of them have the English level of an 8-year old (because of their poor education) so writing in English is not “Deaf-friendly”

    • Thanks for the explanation. That also explains why often news or speeches have sign language interpreters instead of just supplying subtitles.

      You should make a feature request for Lemmy. If this were configurable by the admins maybe you could find an instance that would be willing to shoulder the space requirements. Maybe some kind of Peertube integration could work.