I’m currently at this juncture and trying to decide whether to go back to school and start entirely fresh or to hold out for another year or two to see how things go. The anxiety of what the future may or may not hold is real and I’m just standing here, watching the distances shorten faster and faster while still not knowing.

What’s your take, Beeple?

  • Growing up (and admittedly into adulthood) I had trouble “quieting my brain” enough to make emotional decisions like the kind you’ve described. One trick that’s really helped me make use of this technique is to assign each option to the face of a coin - in OP’s case this might look like “heads I go back to school, tails I stay at this job”. Then, having assigned each option and telling yourself you’re going with the choice the coin makes, you flip it. Only, what you’re really doing is getting a gut reaction to a decision being made for you, and you go with how you feel about it.

    It was introduced to me as the “zen coin flip” in case anyone wants to learn more about it.