Just wondering if enough people are here for posts and discussion about what people are creating for their table top games. If you are and want to share a snippet about what you’re working on, that would be great!

    • What I like:

      • very very lightweight. My players do not want to crunch and this games system is perfect for that. Combat is snappy

      • feels like a jrpg. The fabula and ultima mechanics, and the way combat is paced, both feel great.

      • on the topic of ultima, designing villains is a lot of fun

      What I don’t like

      • combat is tough for me to design around. I feel like every encounter has been way too easy. But I am also out of grad school now, so I can spend more time on interesting fights.

      • initiative is a little weird

      • you’ll probably burn through the bestiary pretty quickly, so you end up making a lot of unique monsters. Which is fine, but sometimes you just wanna throw a couple skeletons out lol

      A lot of the don’t likes are probably just based on my inexperience tbh.

      •  Mot   ( @Mot@beehaw.org ) OP
        511 months ago

        There was an article that I can’t find at the moment, that talked about monsters that changed the way I approach them.

        The idea is, monsters are a symptom. There’s something else that’s wrong. You might need to kill them but that won’t solve the problem and eventually a new monster will appear.

        So the way I approach things is by thinking about what’s wrong and how that might manifest. Often the same “monster” works in multiple cases and the underlying cause makes each instance feel different because it acts differently based on the cause.