I’ve already started seeing a lot of redundant communities being made here that have already existed on other Lemmy instances, and lemmy.ml is at risk of centralization and overload, so now is a great time to raise awareness of other instances.

For science topics, mander.xyz has a lot of good ones set up, and !solarpunk@slrpnk.net on slrpnk.net has been great!

edit: for new users - you can type ! to begin autofilling a community, even for ones on other instances, like I did for the solarpunk community above. It may take a few seconds for the autofill results to show up if you have a slow connection like me.

    •  datavoid   ( @datavoid@lemmy.ml ) 
      311 months ago

      I just wrote out two comments that were deleted - Imo you shouldn’t be able to edit or respond to a deleted post if it’s not going to work.

      I made an Ableton group on lemmy.ml a few days ago…doesn’t seem like it’s listed though. I’ll probably just delete it if you’re going to operate a music specific instance

    •  orbit   ( @orbit@beehaw.org ) 
      211 months ago

      While I’m really liking Beehaw, one of the caveats is that users cannot create new communities so I may need to just create another account to assist with making new communities. I did just sub to lemmy@lemmy.studio however