Look at here and the people who complain about it being too hard to figure out are the ones complaining about “I can’t use muh slurs, this is awful.”

“The left of today is very much in favour of censorship to avoid “harm.” This makes those of us in the middle very wary of signing up to any partisan media.” /u/decidedlysticky23

/u/misshapensteed claims he isn’t far right, but explictly only posts on PoliticalCompassMemes and TheLeftCantMeme and KotakuInAction.

If they are too stupid to figure out we know they’re lying, they’re too stupid to figure out lemmy.

    •  Pigeon   ( ) 
      122 years ago

      Ditto. I’d call myself a socialist, but they’re so far “left” they’re far right again, imo. Pro-dictators and forceful subjugation and whatnot. Tankies. Not really sure what makes them left at all, really, except by virtue of the word communism and the fact that everyone seems to have agreed they are.

      At least, assuming this crowd is the same as similar crowds I am familiar with - I’ll admit I have not explored lemmygrad much, and I don’t particularly intend to.

      • To my understanding- the real divider here is agreement on weather or not Deng’s capitalist roading/economic reforms were revisionist or pragmatic. People who agree with the former aren’t represented to much of any degree, on here and Reddit. The latter are on Lemmygrad. Not much discussion on the Mass Line or Concentric Construction or Marxism as a science in general which I think can alienate interested parties like anarchists and progressives into seeing these guys as really really online

    • Lemmygrad in general represents a pretty narrow band of Marxist-Leninists that was chased off of Reddit. There’s no effective representation of 1: Marxist-Leninist-Maoists (formulated in the RIM in the 1990s) and 2: Anarchists (who as much as I disagree with make up a pretty large contingent of folks developing a class consciousness without an understanding of dialectical materialism.)

      I guess this is the fediverse though. Nothings stopping me from making my own server or community. (Besides being called a westoid baizuo by some guy with a stalin pfp :P)

      • Yeah it’d definitely be nice to get a bit more diversity in leftist viewpoints on here. For all my disagreements with them I don’t generally mind anarchists or even some of the more traditional MLs or Maoists, but I do have kind of a hard time with all the Deng fans.