I understand that Beehaw is not a replacement for Reddit, and nor should it be. However, if I wind up ditching Reddit entirely, one thing I’m going to miss is the unbridled insanity of the “Thunderdome” discussions.

For those of you who aren’t familiar, certain communities would handle major events with a serious thread for people who wanted serious discussion, and an accompanying Thunderdome thread for people who just wanted to make memes and blow off steam. In gaming communities, for example, there will likely be serious threads around Summer Games Fest, including Microsoft’s upcoming presentation. But there are also people who will want to make fun of the pageantry of it all and to keep that out of the serious thread, there’ll be a Thunderdome for that.

Politics communities create similar threads for election nights. Take it from me… if you work in Washington, DC and the outcome of an election could seriously impact your job two months down the line? Those are nights when you really need to blow off some steam. Mental health is important, and having an outlet to ridicule the oppressive, wall-to-wall election coverage really helps.

So, I’m curious if Beehaw communities (which I hope we’ll start calling Yeehives) are the place for something like that, or if the users here would rather keep that kind of content off this platform. Genuinely curious, not just looking to start an argument. Thanks!

  • For what it’s worth, I did not buy the wizard game and thought r/gamingcirclejerk was justified in calling on people not to support it, or a certain TERF associated with it. But I’m keen to let the subreddit drama fade away when the rest of Reddit does.

    I also agree that the community is a baby, which makes the use of the term “Thunderdome” a bit ambitious. If a meme party thread is allowed, I’d probably have to call it “Slap Fight in a Food Court” instead.