Arguably one of the best moments in the SNW Musical episode subspace rhapsody was Bruce Horak Cameo as the captain of the Klingon boy band. But there is a deleted scene of the opera version that while absolutly best scene won, would be fun to see released to fans

  •  NuPNuA   ( ) 
    311 months ago

    Great, but this episode actually moved forward lots of character arcs via it’s songs. It was a cleaver way to do it as characters can just belt out their emotions in song under “musical rules” so they could pack the episode.

    • But it felt packed and so became a chore of too much of a thing…the fact each of 5 main character needed their own 5mintues of it

      I know musicals breaks the show don’t tell a bit as you can sing not show…but they seemed to use that excuse to get right back round to tell tell tell even in song form