This was my first time burning on wood I hadn’t sanded to at least a 1k grit, because I wanted to have a bit of the kerf showing on the finished pieces. Wood is reclaimed HT oak pallet board (don’t ever burn on chemically treated woods).

  • Hey thank you, that’s very kind of you to say!

    I’m working with a soldering iron looking one from wellington with a temperature control on the base. It’s not too bad, but I am curious to see what a more expensive model feels like.

    Lots and lots of little circles, that’s the trick as I understand it. The nub that’s a short, even 45° wedge is usually what I lean on most for filling areas but I’m slowly expanding my skill. A lower temperature and twice as many tiny circles can get things really even.

    • Very cool, thank you!

      I just zoomed in some more — is this week outline with a painted stain filler? Or is everything burnt? Can hardly see a pattern in there, sorry nice either way! 😃

      And love the reclaimed wood! Second the “never burn treated wood” advice, definitely a NoNo, also for bonfires and fireplaces!