I don’t really want to reveal my identity online and I’ve been trying to find how I can do that. It seems like Patreon is the only one that acts as a middleman between you and the donator but it only does monthly subscriptions which I don’t really want to have…

  • Right, Kofi does do that but to establish a Paypal business account, you need to have a registered entreprise as far as I can tell. To established a registered entreprise, I would need to, well, register it and then I might be liable for corporate tax and people will be able to simply look up the business and find my personal information there anyways. As for Stripe, as said in another document, it still leaked information about me which is quite annoying.

    •  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
      211 months ago

      I have a PayPal business account and don’t have any sort of registered business. They upgraded me at some point years ago when I was getting paid through them regularly. There might be a minimum that has to have gone through your account or something, but it shouldn’t incur any corporate taxes or anything.

    •  jarfil   ( @jarfil@beehaw.org ) 
      11 months ago

      To established a registered entreprise, I would need to, well, register it and then I might be liable for corporate tax and people will be able to simply look up the business and find my personal information

      Drug trafficking rings use someone else to register the enterprise (family, friends, random guy they pay a token amount to, company in a tax haven) and use them as the fall guy to avoid revealing/linking their own name to the money.