I wanna buy an ebook reader but i don’t want any amazon or other companies shit in there, just something i can connect to my pc, pass ebooks in different formats into it and read.

  • Do you know if there are any issues using either the Marvel or DC apps? I read one review of a color eink tablet (forget which) and the review said sometimes controls didn’t appear correctly for certain apps and now I’m paranoid about getting one (I was looking at boox) and worrying somehow the apps won’t work. I don’t have anything but that random review from some forum but it was enough to worry me.

    • Not sure about DC/Marvel apps sorry, I don’t use them (I usually avoid apps which have a dependency on the Play Store). I use Comixology and Tachiyomi for my comics instead, and don’t have any issues with either of them. That said, generally speaking apps that aren’t optimized for e-readers can in fact behave a bit odd, but this is why Boox included a per-app optimization tool, thru which you can customize the DPI, background color, fonts, refresh type etc for each app. For instance, Comixology has a dark background by default which doesn’t look nice on e-ink, so you can tweak it via Boox’s tool to display a bright background instead (the comics themselves display properly).