Also the hivemind seems to have taken against tweetsXeets, a stunning reversal from last year when St. Elon was gonna usher in a new Dawn of civilized discourse.

  •  self   ( ) 
    1311 months ago

    it’s very frankly well worth stepping out of the Y Combinator bubble. I dropped the site for anything other than as a target for sneering years ago because I started to see a lot of dangerous patterns emerge in the community (general scientific illiteracy is one thing, as you mentioned; for me, the site’s general undercurrent of thinly veiled racism got very hard to stomach).

    on a more personal note, not being immersed in HN’s bad ideas did wonders for my mental health. the only thing I feel I really lost was the ability to easily get an audience for my open source projects, but there are other outlets for that.