I am interested in what RPGs the people here are playing. Tell me about the cool systems you are trying out or about your campaigns.

  •  xuxxun   ( @xuxxun@beehaw.org ) OP
    42 years ago

    Ooh i did not remember about the app, and I might have heard about RPG sessions, but never used it, thanks, it might come in handy :D

    The solutions for coop GMing sound very useful as well, I can see it would work with Ironsworn too. I am quite new to Gmless games, I have tried some, but those that i tried were pretty “crunchy” about who and at what point decides which plot points.

    •  mifuyne   ( @mifuyne@beehaw.org ) 
      2 years ago

      I’m glad I could help!

      Running co-op can be rather tricky, especially if the table is used to the traditional GM + players setup. It’s a different paradigm. Perhaps one way to ease people into it is to have a hands-off GM that encourages the players to come up with things. Another thing is to really leverage those oracle tables in the book. If no one at the table can come up with anything, but have questions, then Ask the Oracle or roll off of the Action/Theme table.

      I also have a few Gamemaster Apprentice decks. This is the base deck. There’s an online version as well! They look complicated but it does come with instructions on how to use them. This could be a way of breaking past any creative block or disagreements.

      Not sure if your group tried this already when y’all set out to run a co-op game, but a session zero where everyone talks about how they envision a co-op game runs like (among other meta-discussions) could help get everyone on the same page about how to move the story forward. Might help to codify some of it if your players are more comfortable with clear-cut boundaries and restrictions?

      I hope you don’t feel like I’m pressuring you into trying co-op again with all these solutions I’m posting. It’s just stuff I’ve thought about due to my interest in running one myself! But if your group does plan on running one again, I hope you find success 😁

      Edit: one more thing! I’ve seen it suggested that co-op games should be of a smaller group size, no more than 3-4. 3 is the optimal, IIRC. It’s easier to come to an agreement when the group is smaller.