Hey all! Another weekly thread is here.

This time I am also hoping for some feedback!

If anyone has any ideas for more weekly thread topics you would like to see, go ahead an leave a comment below!

  • I initially started Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered a few days ago, but I wasn’t really in the mood for that game, so I ended up going back to The Witcher 3 to start (and hopefully finish) both DLCs (I’m part way through Heart of Stone atm and have yet to start Blood and Wine).

    As for feedback, although weekly might perhaps be too often, maybe a “Show us your collection / show us your setup” kind of thread? This could generate some engagement and lead to interesting discussions imo.

    • Omg thank you for answering the second part of the question 😆. I think I’ll make another post highlighting this question as it clearly wasn’t looked at super closely, but your suggestion is great! I’ll add it to my list :)