I’ve heard they’re better for pollinators, are more drought resistant, and are easier to maintain.

It’s hard to see a downside.

Has anyone here made the change? How’d it go?

  • We have a white clover, pink clover, and sheep sorrel mixed ground cover. It dies back a bit in summer because we don’t irrigate but flushes out again as soon as it rains. The grass dies with the dry periods but the clover just shrinks and drops leaves. I still trim it back to get some green material to rot into soil so it’s not as a “no mow” alternative for me. I love that it’s putting nitrogen into the rocky earth below.

    The downside i have found is that it climbs up into garden beds and can smother other low growing plants. Mint has nothing on clover. It will get everywhere. I have had mint for years and it has never left the herb garden. The clover is absolutely everywhere and has even smothered a section of peppermint.

      • Aotearoa/NZ so otherside of the world. I don’t think clover would do well in texas. You should look into creeping thyme. That might be a better alternative as it can handle more heat, drought, and sun plus sandy poor soils