Keeping the weekly post warm until @alyaza comes back 🙂

What’s everyone been up to? Any plans for the weekend?

  • I’ve been drinking a lot, so it’s pretty good. It’s really nice to relax on vacation, drink a lot for the summer, and kill some brain cells. Also smoking more. Drinking and smoking more, for sure. I also made myself some french fries today, with grilled cheese sandwich. So, kids’ menu straight out of Friendly’s, drinking, and smoking. Week couldn’t be better.

      • Only way you can get me to quit smoking is the way I quit smoking last time I quit smoking, which was for someone else. The rest? Time for some major substance abuse and consuming of all the pork rinds. And potato chips. And artificial flavors. There’s nothing quite like abusing the substances and eating deep fried food with a huge gallon of alcohol and lighting up a cigarette afterward or even during. That’s vacation and summer. Can even get tanned all at the same time.