Keeping the weekly post warm until @alyaza comes back 🙂

What’s everyone been up to? Any plans for the weekend?

  • If it’s any consolation, I glued my ass to the chair and wrote the PhD thesis, and even got tenure in academia. I quit my job after being tenured and promoted. So it’s all good. It’s nice, though, to finish the fucker. The best way is gluing the ass to the chair. I can attest. Get well soon!

      • I’m glad, because that’s the pressure that’s on you, no doubt, in finishing this dissertation. Life is funny. Your whole self worth is not this. It’s a transactional relationship. Your committee is hopeful, so you should be. Get the shit done and get on with your life, which has many surprises in store for you, don’t I know? You’re definitely worthy. Nobody flunks the dissertation stage, so just write the thing. You’ll be fine. Trust me, if your life is anything like mine, there is a life beyond the dissertation that is far more challenging and will wipe the glue right off your ass.