Keeping the weekly post warm until @alyaza comes back 🙂

What’s everyone been up to? Any plans for the weekend?

  • I’m in Miami for a work trip. Just arrived today and will head back home on Friday. Basically just getting wined and dined, which is pretty good. I’ve been with my company for like…16-17yrs, over two stints, so these are some of the rewards of sorts that I get for seniority. A few co-workers and I went to a Colombian restaurant and oh my god, it was great.

    On a related note, my co-worker and I have made great progress on a major project we’re working on. We’re finally working together on it, which is excellent. In a way, we’re opposites from each other in how we approach things. So when we work together on things, we’re really able to shine. We had a working meeting the other day and we probably accomplished more in one day than in the last few months individually. Hopefully we’ll be able to keep working together on this, even though we’ll each get pulled into our own separate responsibilities (such as this Miami trip).