• “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”

    I personally believe that a community that support free speech is going to be healthier on the long run than one that doesn’t.

    exploding-heads seem to have rules against not being authentic, trolling and slurs

    • You should read about the paradox of tolerance and why free speech should be limited to what doesn’t hurt or limit others’ access to freedom.
      Being able to trash talk minorities (completely random example obviously) is not free speech, it’s hate speech that will ultimately devolve into atrocities.

      Also, please share the kind of things that you think should be allowed without naming them (in full details like “racist slurs”, or “calls to violence against a minority”, or “cryptoscams”) , I think it could be interesting.

      • Censorship is also a gateway to disasters and history is filled with examples. I cannot read french but i can understand that your instance has rules against trolling. I have been accused of being a troll by some in this thread so if i was in your instance i could technically have been censored.

    • Their rule agains slurs obviously isn’t enforced considering it’s full of anti-trans slurs and “jokes” about trans folk killing themselves.

      Do you really think that a community that’s full of nothing but hate and amazing posts like “why do women disrespect or avoid nice guys and go for the players and bad boys” is gonna be healthier long-term than one that fosters respectful discussion?

      • Censorship doesn’t promote discussion, it goes against it. I’m not looking for a community where only hate is allowed, i’m looking for instances that support free speech.

        • Allowing hate also kills discussion - I don’t see particularly many trans users joining in with the “fun” over on exploding heads, for example.

          Every single “free speech” website ends up turning into a hateful circlejerky echo chamber where discussion that doesn’t align with the agenda is shut down hard.