Trying to de-google and looking for an alternative to Gmail.

Don’t mind if it’s a paid service if it’s robust.

  • I moved to Fastmail last year and it’s been entirely unremarkable which is exactly what I want. Mail in and out works, it’s reliable, I have my custom domains.

    It really depends on the level of privacy you’re going for and what features you want. For me I needed custom domain support with catchalls. The only other requirement I had was to not be Google. I debated between Fastmail and Proton for a while (Fastmail for features/price, Proton for the “better” privacy.) Ultimately I ended up on Fastmail because I would have had to pay for a higher than necessary account at Proton for what I wanted.

    •  Sean   ( ) 
      511 months ago

      Also since most other people aren’t using encrypted email, you kinda don’t really benefit from the Proton encryption afaik. I personally don’t understand the point.

      • Yep. It was a fun ooh look what I can do that I have exactly zero people to communicate with using those features.

        In the same vein, not using Google is similarly silly. Most of my personal contacts use Gmail or o365 so they still get a copy of my email anyway. But at least this way my money isn’t going to them and nobody’s scanning my inbox to advertise to me (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

        •  Sean   ( ) 
          11 months ago

          I assume some since i assume gmail scans my inbox to serve me ads. But you’d get other ads from browsing history etc still. But Fastmail does the same thing i believe

    •  NaN   ( ) 
      111 months ago

      I used fastmail with a custom domain but random stuff from specific senders would disappear into the ether and never go through to my mailbox. Everything else worked fine though, but it was enough to switch me back to gmail for a while at least. LDAP is a requirement for me and most of the other popular providers now don’t have it.

      • Yeah I suppose I could be missing email and not know (because it never got delivered) but I get everything I expect to receive and I haven’t had anyone reach out asking why I haven’t responded to an email I never received. It’s good enough for me for now though.

        LDAP support isn’t something that’s ever crossed my mind for mail, definitely a legit reason to stick with the Googs.