• I don’t care what other people choose to do with/to their own bodies. It’s none of my business, at all, ever.

    For myself, I’m not sure. I don’t have the means, so it’s irrelevant, but if I did… I don’t know. I don’t have any issue with it really, but it doesn’t particularly appeal to me either. I can of course see advantages to overcoming the limitations of a natural body, but for whatever reason, I’ve never been much for pursuing fulfillment by acquiring things (which is pretty much what augmentation boils down to). It just seems to be too much hassle for too little gain, and particularly since the acquisition of things never leads to real fulfillment anyway - it just fuels the desire to acquire even more things.

    Most likely, given the choice, I’d choose to just continue to inhabit my natural, unaugmented shell. But I really don’t know.