This is the highest profile organization yet that I’ve seen run this story.

  • Maybe this is wishful thinking, but this all feels… slightly more real? I mean, the idea of the US government having “non-human craft” sounds absolutely batty, but at the same time…

    I dunno, I want to believe.

    • What has me bit skeptical is that would highly advanced beings that can come to our galaxy when we can’t even get to Mars be so incompetent to let primitives like us get a hold of their craft? Surely they’d be able to easily retrieve it from us without raising alarms if they wanted.

      And why just America? Surely if America has a craft then bunch of other countries do too, since aliens just coming to make this an American affair like some hollywood movie is kind of funny.

      • Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir has had me thinking about these things lately. This “alien” population would be in a very narrow and unlikely band of intelligence to be intelligent enough to create a craft capable of travelling to Earth but not capable of foreseeing that we would take it. That, or taking the craft isn’t actually a bad thing to the aliens and humanity is somehow of use to these aliens.

        • What I wonder is that if the US government did actually have a craft, it provides such a huge technological competitive advantage to keep it for themselves, which has me asking why would they let someone who could leak that live to get to the point it makes the news?

          Or maybe whether the US does have something or doesn’t maybe they want to perpetuate a story that makes other countries feel scared by the advanced tech the US may or may not hold? Or it’s meant to be a distraction from current issues like rising inflation?