This is the highest profile organization yet that I’ve seen run this story.

      • It’s hard for me not to start speculating about the possibilities if it is real. What could it all mean? It is both potentially exciting, and potentially devastating for humanity. Or it could also be super mundane (which for me, as someone who wishes desperately they lived in simpler times, would be the most hilarious and hopeful outcome).

  • Less sensational coverage of the claim:

    We’re Deeply Skeptical, But a Government Whistleblower Claims the US Has Recovered “Non-Human” Spacecraft by Victor Tangermann, Futurism

    Also less than 2 months ago:

    The head of the Pentagon office that is reviewing reported unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP – commonly known as UFOs, unidentified flying objects) told the US Congress this week that his office is now reviewing more than 650 incidents, but so far, none exhibited anything that was evidence of extraterrestrial activity or defied the known laws of physics.

    It might be nothing burger number #651, or it might be solid alien evidence #1. We’ll see, but don’t hold your breath.

  • I’m not convinced without more evidence, I’m keeping this story on my radar though…👽

    Seems unbelievable but I guess the timeline of the universe has been broken from some point. 21 Dec 2012? Harambe’s Death? Covid? Who knows.

  • Maybe this is wishful thinking, but this all feels… slightly more real? I mean, the idea of the US government having “non-human craft” sounds absolutely batty, but at the same time…

    I dunno, I want to believe.

    • What has me bit skeptical is that would highly advanced beings that can come to our galaxy when we can’t even get to Mars be so incompetent to let primitives like us get a hold of their craft? Surely they’d be able to easily retrieve it from us without raising alarms if they wanted.

      And why just America? Surely if America has a craft then bunch of other countries do too, since aliens just coming to make this an American affair like some hollywood movie is kind of funny.

      • Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir has had me thinking about these things lately. This “alien” population would be in a very narrow and unlikely band of intelligence to be intelligent enough to create a craft capable of travelling to Earth but not capable of foreseeing that we would take it. That, or taking the craft isn’t actually a bad thing to the aliens and humanity is somehow of use to these aliens.

        • What I wonder is that if the US government did actually have a craft, it provides such a huge technological competitive advantage to keep it for themselves, which has me asking why would they let someone who could leak that live to get to the point it makes the news?

          Or maybe whether the US does have something or doesn’t maybe they want to perpetuate a story that makes other countries feel scared by the advanced tech the US may or may not hold? Or it’s meant to be a distraction from current issues like rising inflation?

  • There’s a significant difference between non-human and extra terrestrial. Assuming the US military is actually several decades ahead in tech, it’s feasible to have created and built AI designed crafts.

  • So the Guardian article is based on this original post from The Debrief. In it David Grusch, a former member of a task force that investigated UFOs/UAPs for the US government, claims that the US has recovered crashed UFOs and other stuff. The authors of the original article are Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal.

    From Leslie Kean’s website:

    Leslie Kean is an independent investigative journalist focused on bringing credible information about hidden, paranormal and “impossible” realities into the mainstream. She is the author of the award-winning book Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife (Crown Archetype, 2017) and UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record (Crown Publishing Group, 2010).

    From Ralph Blumenthal’s website:

    Ralph Blumenthal was a reporter for The New York Times from 1964 to 2009, and has written seven books based on investigative crime reporting and cultural history. His latest book The Believer: Alien Encounters, Hard Science, and the Passion of John Mack was published by High Road Books of the University of New Mexico Press on March 15, 2021. It’s the first biography of Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard Psychiatrist John E. Mack (1929-2004) who risked an esteemed career to investigate stupefying accounts of human abductions by aliens. Vanity Fair excerpted the work-in-progress in 2013. Ralph and his wife, Deborah, have collaborated on a nonfiction picture book for children, “UFOhs! coming out April 15, 2023.

    Grusch does not claim to have seen any UFOs or aliens. Instead he claims to have spoken with other people in the military/government that pinky promise that these programs are recovering UFOs and stuff. If I was David Grusch, I would be so embarrassed for myself. From the Debrief article:

    Grusch’s investigation was centered on extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials, some of whom are directly involved with the program. He says the operation was illegally shielded from proper Congressional oversight and that he was targeted and harassed because of his investigation.

    All the programs that Grusch appears to be describing sound a whole lot like secret military programs to recover foreign aircraft and satellites. Of course the US government has programs like this. Of course the US wants to recover Soviet/Russian/Chinese/N Korean/Iranian drones and jets and satellites and submarines and spy balloons and rockets and missiles, etc. You think the US government isn’t scouring the seas and the world for pieces of Long March rockets? You think the USA isn’t trying to recover downed Kinzhal hypersonic missiles from Ukraine? Of course it is. Of course these are going to be secret projects and of course UFO believers are going to interpret this stuff in a specific way.

    So what is Grusch bringing out as evidence? Redacted reports? Second hand testimony of other people he’s met that swear these things are happening? So actually no hard evidence? Ok then.

    If you haven’t watched Mick West debunk UFO videos, then check out his youtube channel. Here’s a video of him discussing Grusch and these new “revelations”.

    Remember those UFO videos that the US military declassified a few years ago and caused a stir? Like the screenshot from the “gimbal” video in the Guardian article? Mick did a great series of videos debunking those. Here’s an example.

    So far this new round of hoopla from Grusch sounds exactly the same as all the other sad debunked and forgotten rounds of UFO hysteria.

  • This and other current events aren’t enough for me to confidently claim UFOS ARE REAL. But it is enough to keep me engaged and excited at the mystery of UFOlogy. So much has happened since the NYT article back in 2017.